Over this time we had an 8 day streak where the cats and dogs were literally dancing about us despite the incredible heat and at other times pouring rain. It didn't seem to matter what area we were in, the predators just kept entertaining us. Many of you would've seen the mobile uploads on twitter and FB, I have loaded these and the videos on the FB group HERE.
(Just as a side note, you guys don't have to post such nasty comments when all I am trying to do is keep you informed of the cheetahs, lions and things we're seeing, hahahaha!)
However the best area by far was the the small section on the Umfolozi River, down by marker 17 on the map. Or as it is now known 'Magic Marker 17'. We had an amazing run of luck around this section, but none better than on 1 of the overnight trips, probably my best ever!
The 2 day event went like this, in my shortest version:
Code - photo on Face Book = P.F.B
- video on Face Book = V.F.B
- Magic Marker 17 = mm17
Entered the Nyalazi gate around 11:30 already scortching hot, as we just about to decend into the Umfolozi River valley, sighting of wild dog in the shade, but next to road (P.F.B). See buffalo, white rhino and usual common game. Do Sontuli loop and end at mm17, prob around 3pm, vehicle stopped. Inform us lions in the bush but on the move, we wait and drive up and down, nothing. Just as we leave and go over the rise, we see a family of warthog running towards where the lions were supposed to be. I suggest we do 1 last drive by. We round the bend just in time to see a lioness corner the family in some burrows just 30m from the road, eventually causing one to try run for it, but she pounces and snaps it up in her jaws. The noise tempts the rest of the lions out the bush, about 6 in total, some young, some old. (As luck would have it, blackberry freezes, don't get it on video, aaaargh!!)
They eventually move off to go feast and we continue, of course quite chuffed by now. 10min later black rhino, 40m in (P.F.B). I mention what a day it has been and that if we just see some elephant it would be a complete success. You guessed it, 15min later elephant bull on the side of the road. So now we are laughing and start heading for memorial gate, about a 3 hour drive. Go past the wild dog spot and they are now active as it is cooling considerably and threatening to rain. (P.F.B & V.F.B). We carry on and not much else happens and we certainly not complaining, until it starts to rain and we have a rhino road block. 2 young males who refuse to move and because of the gulleys on either side I am a bit reluctant to try push them off. Eventually I have to as we are in danger of being late. So I manage to nudge them off but not before 2 hyena decide to cross right in front of us for 1 last highlight for the day.
Next morning we enter and head straight for the Umfolozi section. We get there about 8am and ready to try our luck whilst it is still cool, but yet another road block. This time a young bull elephant in musth, he was grumpy and letting the some 30 cars wanting to pass know about it. Double cabs, 4 by 4's, kombi's you name it, weren't going to chance it. We get stuck for almost an hour until an old man and women in a Getz drive past us all, right up to the brute and park but a metre from him (P.F.B), but still he doesn't budge. Eventually he gives the car enough space to pass (V.P.B), but in the classic elly move, he is just setting the trap. He doesn't want the Getz it is small fry, but as the second vehicle shoots past, he turns and chases, trumpeting and basically just showing his power (V.F.B). Anyway it was quite fun and we finally get past and continue.
We make it to the bottom section, but by now it is blistering hot and we coasting, not expecting much. Then, and I have to claim it, while chatting away I spot 5 cheetah sleeping under a bush about 60m in. We watch them for a bit and are lucky enough to see them stand up occasionally and move about. We of course are so content by now and head for home, after cooking a good old bush brunch. Except the bush has another twist for us........
After getting past the elly and crossing the Umfolozi River at the low level bridge, the rain that fell inland reached the reserve and put the bridge under water and so we could not get out. So we decided to drive the loop one more time beacuse the river would take a few hours to subside. Just when we actually started regretting the decision because it was just so hot, we approached mm17!! I could hardly believe it when we rounded the bend and in the road stood a mother cheetah and her 3 cubs. They went onto give us a great display (P & V.F.B) and eventually with sad hearts we had to drive off and leave them there on the side of the road.
All in all it was absolutely fantastic what we saw in such a short time. I could not believe that I only had a crummy Black Berry camera to film with, I could've had some amazing pictures and video with a better camera. But makes you think, would we have seen all that if I had.............