Besides the magnificent game viewing, it is just more comfortable in many respects. The mornings can be quite chilly, especially on the back of an open game viewing vehicle, but otherwise very pleasant.
I was also very fortunate to have my longest continuous stay since before I can remember. 16 days in total I was out in the bush and I loved every second of it. I worked for some of it, showing some new Italian friends of ours all there is to see. Spent some time with family and got to enjoy a 3 night wilderness trail, the highlight for me.
There is something special about walking out in the wilderness, at grass root level, so to speak that just can't be explained. There is so much that is missed when you are in a vehicle. Tracks and signs that tell a story of a different world, but yet right on our door step. Suppose that is just it, you can stand there and look around and think to yourself, this could be a century earlier and you wouldn't even know. Untouched wilderness, using animal paths to make your way through the veld. It is an experience I highly recommend to any one!
Hopefully in the near future I can get the chunk of footage I have, edited and up for you to see, it just can't be explained in words, so watch this space.
Keep well, cheers.
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