Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Lion (panthera leo)

We saw this Pride of lions on the crocodile river road eating off a hippo carcass, along with these two little guys.....

So I thought a good place to start with our 5 facts, would be with the king of all animals the Lion:
  • Lions live in family groups known as prides, they are the only ones of the cat family to form close-knit social groups. A pride consisits of 2 groups, a bunch of closely related females (sisters & cousins) and their cubs. Then a group of 2-6 males, who can be brothers but sometimes non-related who joined up when forced out of their own pride. The males are exchanged every few years, but the females are a stable core.
  • A lions roar can travel 8kms and is used to tell other lions that the area is occupied or to contact straying members of the pride. The males come and go as they please and rely on this form of communication to link up with the pride, especially when a kill is made.
  • A lion can reach a speed of 60km/h, which is a fair bit slower than most of their prey. They need to stalk to with in 20m to increase their odds of success, and is why they are the only cats to use co-operative hunting regularly. Like humans, some individuals are quicker and stronger than others and a co-ordinated hunt increases their chances.
  • At a kill the males eat first and then the females and lastly the cubs. Starvation is the leading cause of death amongst cubs because of this. A lion will eat 15% of its body weight in one sitting and they will eat until near immobility before resting up somewhere to digest their meal.
  • The gestation period is 3 months, the female leaves the pride to give birth and will keep her cubs hidden and away from the pride for up to 2 months. She moves the den countless times during this period, to avoid predator detection. All the females in the pride will suckle any cub, this collaborative behaviour is due to the genetic closeness of them all, meaning they are all helping to put the genes forward. A cub starts eating meat at 3 and is fully weened at 6 months.
Thanks for reading and if you want to write some of your own facts about lions on the discussion boards, please feel free to do so.


Thursday, April 14, 2011

5 interesting facts.....

Over the past few months I have really taking to, trying to expand on my guiding knowledge. Stepping out of my normal strengths and learning about new things about our culture, history and fauna and flora.

As I do not study as such, but rather just read, quite often things don't always stick. So I started to extract certain points and facts that I would like to remember and writing them down. It is then that I got the idea to share this new found knowledge with you all. So I have decided to start this new blog, whereby I will give 5 quick, interesting, new facts about a topic, animal, bird or whatever. Writing it down will help me remember and hopefully give you enjoyment if you wish to follow.

My hope is that you will join this blog and/or my Face Book group and add any other interesting facts you may have on the subject, helping us to all expand our knowledge.

Thanks for reading, first 5 interesting facts to follow shortly.........