Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The road less travelled

Last week I finally got to do something that had been eating at me for a very long time. I took the usual trip up to Umfolozi Game Reserve, but with one difference, a new route. Well different. Instead of heading all the way up along the N2 highway until Matubatuba and then heading to the Nyalazi gate midway up we went off at Eshowe. We headed through Melmoth and then onto Ulundi before entering the reserve at the bottom, Cengeni gate. As I was hoping it was only a little bit further than going around, about 20km and even though not along a freeway, about 15min longer.

So why all the fuss? Well, the southern section, the main section of Umfolozi is directly accessed through this gate. A larger network of roads, more savanna type bushveld and in my experience more game. Remember one of my posts late last year about the fantastic run of sightings I had, the self named 'Magic Marker 17'. This is where it is situated and why I have been wanting to access this section of the park as early as possible. Giving us the best opportunity to catch the cats moving about before the heat of the day.

Ironically on this day, the plan sort of worked. We saw hyena, a large herd of buffalo and a lot of other game, but the cats eluded us. That is until we made our way to the central section, pretty close to the gate we usually use!

Well isn't that why we love the bush, you can try all you want to control the variables, but it is probably better to just sit back and enjoy.........

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